Should George Takei be using (streams)?
from Bunny of Doom
Should George Takei be using (streams)?George Takei currently has 420331 followers of his Universeodon channel. He is following only 36 channels, almost all of which have >5000 followers themselves.
So I'm just daydreaming here. Suppose George moved to a streams-based server. Would it work? I guess he would want to automatically approve all new connections, but not automatically follow any of them. Would he let only his 36 "real" connections comment on his posts, or would he outsource comment moderation to a professional?
I always think of (streams) as a tool for individuals to have personal communications with a modest number of people. I'm just trying to imagine whether an "influencer" (or a wannabe influencer) could use the same tool.
George got 1 new follower in the time it took me to write this post.
Bill Statler