Stay in the mastoverse,
microblog style or twitter style,
not only does it result in technical and communication issues being technically speaking very different from our style, but there is also the non-technical but philosophical part to consider (if we want to call it that).
The mastoverse, in a general way, is made up of people who "live by followers" and not "by actual interaction", which is also why "following" and "followers" exist, practically 2 "independent" lists of "actual" interaction, different in short from our communication style: our contacts, our connections.
In general this way and "philosophy" of life within the fediverse leads you to have giant lists (550 I follow and I have 660 followers ?! - a rather "hypocritical" style interaction).
This is something that needs to be thought about too, for example I absolutely cannot feel comfortable in the mastoverse both for technical reasons but also for "philosophical" questions, something "abstract" in which I have no interest in actively or constantly participating. Having connections and contacts leads you to interact (in theory at least) with each of them, a real communication with "two-way traffic".
Someone recently wrote that the mastoverse is very different from Twitter, rightly because they don't see what I just finished writing here happening, but I wonder, for the hundredth time, how do you manage to constantly interact with more than a hundred contacts every day? the answer is simple, they are not contacts, they are "followed" and "followers", and therefore my friend if here (fediverse mastoverse) you interact well and in a fun way with 20 or maximum 30 people, what the fuck are you doing with the other 300 or more? it's a diabolical joke, because most of the time it's about human beings and not numbers. "Welcome to the hypocriticalverse!"
Giac El Vecio